Sunday, September 5, 2010

Business Customer Follow Up

One of the best practices in business is to follow-up with your customers. Even though this is the age when almost everything is done electronically and impersonally over the internet, people will appreciate being treated like a human beings instead of an anonymous customers. It will also make you seem more personable and can help build strong relationships with your customers.

A follow-up does not have to happen only when you have a new product or service to advertise. It can be a simple email sending your customers good wishes for holidays. Or you can make it more personal by sending your customers birthday wishes. You can collect birthdates and emails by holding a fun contest on your website and people have to enter their name, email, and birthdate to enter.

Be sure that you have someone's permission before you email them because otherwise they may see it as spamming. Especially if you plan on sending them offers from your company. Do not flood them with offers constantly, make sure you build a good relationship with them first. Remember that people want to be treated like humans and not anonymous customers.

In addition to emails, you can also send physical follow-ups such as postcards or flyers. You can print them up using creative text and graphics and send them off to your customer list during holidays and birthdays. You can make your print outs interesting by including fun or fascinating facts about the particular holiday that you are sending it for. And you can even find a way to tie it into your business. For example if you are a wedding consultant, you can discuss various wedding traditions and what is done during any particular holiday. If you sell candles you can discuss the various holiday fragrances and what they signify and how they are traditionally used. The possibilities are endless. If you make it interesting and fun, people will actually look forward to receiving your postcards and flyers. You can send printed advertisements and brochures as well but make sure that you do not overdo it. Make it an even amount of simple follow-ups/greetings and advertisements.

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